If the child receives a Fail (the result is in the red zone), then the child is referred to a professional for further evaluation. If the parent/carer has reservations about the result (the result is not in line with other indicators or the child did not concentrate properly) we recommend retesting after 24 hours.

If the child receives a Fail result with an indication of a middle/outer ear (conductive) hearing loss Sound Scouts recommend that the carer follow up with a visit to their doctor. A middle/outer ear issue may be caused by things such as a build up of wax or fluid, and in most cases, with the appropriate treatment, hearing will return to normal.
If the child receives a Fail result with an indication of an inner ear (sensorineural) hearing loss, the report recommends follow up with an audiologist for further evaluation.
If the child receives a Fail result with an indication of difficulty hearing in noise, the report recommends follow up with a speech pathologist or an educational psychologist for further evaluation.
Potential causes of difficulty hearing in noise include poor attention, language disorders, English as an additional language and central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), which is related to the brain’s ability to process sounds. Children who experience difficulty hearing in noise can typically hear in quiet environments but struggle in noisy environments like the classroom or playground.