
I recommend schools use Sound Scouts as part of their toolbox when investigating why children are having learning difficulties. Also, Speech Pathologists and Psychologists, before they assess children (if there is no current audiogram). I highly recommend Sound Scouts.
Meriel, Special Educator
Anytime I need to deal with the staff at Sound Scouts personally, they are always helpful and will ask other people's help to fix the problem if they don't know how to do it themselves. I always come away with the answers. I would recommend this service to anyone.
Kaylene, SEP Teacher
I am going back into the classroom next year and I will certainly be spreading the word about Sound Scouts at my school. So many times throughout my teaching career I have questioned a child’s hearing and this app will allow us to provide parents with data to encourage them to seek further advice.
Lisa, Teacher, Queensland

As hearing tests are needed to refer children for a language assessment or cognitive assessment it takes away the waiting for an audiologist. The results are instant and if a child falls below average there are always great recommendations made and it gives the parents an evidence based report.
Annie, Learning Diversity Leader
As many of our students are remote, we have a continual struggle with waiting times and access to services. Sometimes it can take months to get a referral to an audiologist not to mention the lost work time and travel costs. It is fantastic to have access to something like Sound Scouts that is evidence-based and doesn’t require teachers to travel long distances.
Monique, Teacher in Regional Victoria
Sound Scouts identified a hearing issue in my son, which we followed up on with Hearing Australia. He was recommended a hearing aid system which he wore to school for the first time today. I have a different boy tonight. After school he is usually cranky and on edge and needs to be alone. Today he was relaxed, happy and joking around. He said he could hear the instructions in music class for the first time ever.
Gemma, Parent
Even when I knew that Summer had speech problems, I didn’t really think it would affect her too much at school. However, seeing the hearing test results on the screen for myself after she had played Sound Scouts, it brought home the importance of the situation, and made it easier for me to accept that Summer would need a hearing aid to help her hear in the classroom.
Anthea, Parent of Summer, 9 years old