Hear for your future
Hearing health is important
Adam Savage from Mythbusters talks about his Hearing Loss
‘No one who ever put in hearing aids thought to themselves “Well that was a mistake!”... You will never regret taking the leap and taking the step. It has improved every aspect of my life.’
Signs of Hearing Loss in Adults
The joy of sound is universal, whether it’s a child laughing, rain on a tin roof, the voice of a loved one or your favourite song. For most of us, our ability to hear is an important part of the way we perceive the world and connect to others. Yet surprisingly the signs of hearing loss can often go unnoticed, be ignored or be left untreated much longer than they should.
Hearing loss can be caused by a number of things including noise exposure, ageing, disease and hereditary factors. Often hearing loss happens gradually, your friends and family may notice an issue before you do.
Hearing loss is an extremely common problem with approximately one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 having some form of hearing loss. However, you can have trouble with your hearing at any age, so hearing health is an important factor to consider for overall health and well being. There are many steps you can take to get help with hearing loss and stop it from getting worse.
Early signs you might have a hearing loss:

Sources: Health Direct (Hearing Loss), Hearing Australia (Identifying Hearing Loss), National Institute on Ageing (Hearing Loss: A Common Problem for Older Adults), NHS UK (Symptoms: Hearing Loss)