Audiometer Specifications

Test Protocols

Testing protocol
  • Screening (500, 1000, 2000, 4000Hz) at 20dBHL
  • Custom protocol (Frequency and Levels)
Threshold seeking method Modified Hughson Westlake
Attenuation 5dB step size
Tone type 4 burst pure tone
Response window after tone 100ms after tone onset, and 2000ms after tone offset
Pre-tone waiting period Variable: 2500ms -5000ms
Tone duration 235ms
Rise/fall time and duration Rise/fall times of 35ms, separated by 235ms

Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Level (RETSPL)

Frequency (RETSPL Hz) Sennheiser HD300 Sennheiser HD400S Telephonics TDH39 RadioEar DD65v2
125 30.5 30.5 45 30.6
250 13.7 13.7 25.5 16.9
500 6.7 2.4 11.5 7.8
1000 0.4 -7.3 7 5.3
2000 1.4 -0.7 9 2.3
3000 -3.7 -3.7 10 2
4000 -1.1 1 9.5 9.3
6000 3.8 3.1 15.5 20.8
8000 19 18.5 13 20.9

When headphones are calibrated on an IEC 60318-1 artificial ear, the application force should be that achieved by separating the left and right headphones by 145 mm