
5 Questions About Hearing Loss In Children

The impact of hearing loss in children is still commonly misunderstood. We recently asked our Facebook followers 5 questions to find out what they knew about this issue. Here are our answers: 1. Do Australian Primary school children have their hearing checked when they start school? In most states and territories, Australian primary school children do not have their hearing checked before starting school. In NSW, preschool children are offered a sight test, but not a hearing test.

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Test Your Child’s Hearing More Than Once

3 min read Once is not enough when it comes to children’s hearing checks. We can’t stress enough how important it is to test your child’s hearing regularly throughout their education. Some parents have mistaken the newborn hearing test as a lifetime test of good hearing, but this is not the case. In fact, we suggest testing your hearing at least once a year – like you would your teeth and eyes.

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Hearing Test for Kids - Detect Hearing Issues Early

If you were asked to recall specific events in the days after giving birth, you’d probably have a tough time. The intense mix of overwhelming joy and exhaustion cloud the details, but it’s likely you remember feeling relief when your baby passed the newborn hearing test. Then, like most parents, you probably haven’t given their hearing another thought. If you haven’t had your child’s hearing checked since those early days, it’s time to do so.

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Hearing Loss - Read Aidan’s Story

Aidan is bright and witty. An extra-ordinary Year 6 primary school student preparing himself for the challenges and responsibilities of high school. But Aidan’s outgoing personality almost hid a disability that may have hampered his high school years, preventing him from reaching his full potential. Aidan has a hearing loss, a permanent hearing loss that went undetected until he reached Year 5. It was easy to miss the subtle signs of Aidan’s hearing loss due to his confident ways, but a family friend noticed that something wasn’t quite right, leading to the discovery of Aidan’s loss and a trip to Hearing Australia.

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