
Kids in School: Have You Done this Check to Help them Succeed?

We regularly check our children’s teeth and eyes, so why are parents neglecting an equally important annual check? Key points in this article Children are great at disguising this condition, so it’s important to check for issues annually It can impact a child’s mental health, their ability to socialise and academic development Test your child using the free app Sound Scouts supported by the Australian Department of Health

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5 Things to do Before Your Child Goes to School

2 minute read We all remember the feeling of going back to school. Your child may be looking forward to it, they may dread it, or 2021 could even be their first year of school, bringing nerves, tears, and sometimes tantrums. After a big break filled with fun and adventure, returning to school can be difficult. To ensure your child has a smooth transition back to school, there are things you can do to help prepare them for the challenge.

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Parent’s Guide to Hearing Loss. Test Your Child’s Hearing At Home

Why are hearing checks important for kids? An estimated 1 in 10 children suffer from hearing loss which left undetected can lead to speech, learning and behavioural issues. The World Health Organisation recommends that all children should have their hearing checked by the time they start school. It’s important to rule out the possibility of a hearing loss, as it can be misdiagnosed for a behavioural issue or learning difficulty.

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Women in technology and digital innovation - who is leading the way?

Women are still under-represented in tech across Australia. The latest stats show only 28% of the Australian IT workforce is female, only one in four IT graduates are female, and there’s still a persistent 19% gender pay gap. This is both a retention and a pipeline issue. Women only account for 25% of those with post-secondary IT qualifications in Australia, and participation by women in the IT labour force is also lower than other occupations - 28% compared to 45% across all professional industries.

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