Sound Scouts for Adults
Set Up and Play for Adults
There are five simple steps required to setup and play Sound Scouts. It is recommended, where possible, that an adult with known good hearing completes the ‘setup test’ prior to the adult being tested.
Step 1.
Ensure the testing space is quiet and free from distractions with all notifications on devices switched off.
Step 2.
Plug a set of adult headphones or earbuds into your Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Choose the best quality pair of headphones/earbuds available. (Do not use surround sound headphones and do not use an audio splitter).

Step 3.
Complete the ‘Your Profile’ and ‘Your Information’ sections. A birth decade is requested for adults to support ongoing research. (Note: birth year is requested for children). An email address is requested so the test results can be automatically sent to the person taking the test. When necessary the email address is also used to provide follow up information about the results. The results will also be provided on the device at the end of the test.
Once this information has been entered ideally an adult with known good hearing (the supervising adult) is required to complete the short ‘setup’ activity to assist with the calibration of the test.
When this activity is complete, the supervising adult can pass the headphones and device to the adult being tested. Do not adjust the volume of the headphones or device throughout the test.
Step 4.
Follow the instructions to complete the three components of the test. The test takes 8-10 minutes.
On completion an internet connection is required to process the results and send the Report. If an internet connection is not available the test results will be stored on the device and can be processed when a connection becomes available (go to Past Sessions to access test sessions that have not been processed).

Step 5.
Review the report sent via email.
If testing indicates a middle/outer ear problem, you should seek advice from your doctor. If test results indicate an inner ear problem or difficulty hearing in noise you may wish to obtain diagnostic advice from an audiologist.
Testing credits are purchased in-app for $34.99. Each credit allows a Player / Client (person being tested) access to four test sessions.
Schools, clinics and organisations can access bulk purchasing discounts of 35% or more, with a minimum pack size of 10.
Email or call 1300 424 122 for assistance.